Monday, April 28, 2008

St. John Bosco's Project Fair

I will post pictures soon(*** here are some), but just wanted to mention the Project Fair we were a part of on Sunday. It was a great Church event. There were 22 participants and it was a lot of fun. All the young contributors are very talented. We even raised a little money for the Senchi Ferry Library Project in Ghana Africa
The kids were very excited about that!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

God is good!

No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it. 1Cor 10:13

I was just reading another blog and she had this written. She obviously has different trials than I do, her husband has been defending our country for the last year. She had a two month old baby when he left, not to mention five other children. I have prayed for her family since he left. He may return soon.

This passage really gave me a hope to get through my trials as well.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

POPE BENEDICT XVI.....Getting ready to welcome him to America!

APRIL 15-20, 2008

This is a link to some information and activites to get ready for the Pope's visit to America.

Salve! Welcome!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

March in Review

Since I do not get on here to post often, I am going to try to recap the month now.
Here is March......

The boys (3 of them) and dad got to go to a Gopher's Hockey game. They were so excited and had a great time. Thanks to Tom Peterson for the tickets! Nik got a shirt out like them and really wanted to go too. So we made cookies and ate a whole bunch of them.

We had a Seder meal - meatloaf (no lamb), celery with ranch dressing, apples with cinnamon and nuts, spinach (in the vegetable lasagne), unleavened bread we made, and grape juice. We washed each others hands.

We had some outdoor snow fun!

We had fun finding the Easter baskets with the rope mazes. We also had SNOW on Easter!

We went to church everyday during Holy Week. The kids were so good getting up each morning, Mon through Wed to go to 8:30 am Mass. Then we went to Holy Thursday and Good Friday Masses, which are usually longer. We were actually sick on Holy Saturday, but made it to Mass On Sunday for Easter. Fr. James passed out colored Easter Eggs to the children. He also made this beautiful rosary with the eggs in baskets (10 for 10 Hail Marys and bows for the Our Fathers). It was very neat.

We went on a field trip to tap Maple trees. The kids got to tap trees and collect the sap. Then they watched the sap be turned into sugar and maple syrup. They tasted the yummy syrup.
The horse wagon ride was fun too.

Here is a naughty boy! Nik is throwing eggs over the ledge in our living room. Luckily they are plastic! I do not know where he came up with this idea!
He also tries to sneak out the door....nice shoes!

Finally a trip to the Zoo...that is always fun..

Happy Birthday Oscar! (yesterday -April Fool's Day)

Oscar is now FIVE! It is so hard to believe. Happy Birthday to Uncle Jeff as well. It really is no fun to have your birthday on Apri Fool's Day around here. First Oscar was tricked by his brothers and then by his mother with this cake (see above picture actually meatloaf with BBQ sauce). He really thought his cake shrunk, but was so nice about it and just smiled for the picture) Then I got out his cake, which was supposed to be a jet pack guy from Star Wars. I had no decorating frosting so I had to improvise and this is what I came up with....... it is the jet pack guy cake pan with a bunny for the face....he thought it was funny.

Well, anyway he had a great day and ended it with a dinner date with mom. We went to Emma Krumbee's just the two of us. I love my birthday lunch/dinner dates with my boys.

We also got to decorate Easter eggs for his birthday...who says you have to decorate eggs before still is the Easter season at least! We have 50 days!