Sunday, June 1, 2008

The End of the Month of May

I love the month of May. First of all because I think of Mary this month. We love having a May crowning for her. When I think of how hard sometimes it is being a mother I look to her. She had said YES to God, even when things did not seem right for her. She raised Jesus and loved him. She played a role in his first miracle. She watched him suffer and die. She was given to us by Jesus and looks after us as Our Mother. So.........Steve and I have said Yes too.
We are expecting our fifth blessing and what a gift it is.
The miracle of life is just an amazing thing, which even though at times it may seem hard to say Yes to, we are doing it again. The unknowns, the feeling ill, kidney stones problems with pregnancy, the van will now be full, BUT the joy of holding a new little life in our arms, the smiles, the kids's remarks when told (Sam said "I think my heart is going to explode"), one more soul for God, makes it all worth it.
FYI:I am due end of January and I do not intend to find out if this is a boy or girl....:)