What a day to have a First Reconciliation...Valentine's Day! God's love for us His children and His mercy is so overwhelming and to be able to participate in this Sacrament on such a day is a true gift. The children went in one by one to Father James, said their confession, lit a candle in the confessional and proceeded to the back of the church with their family to light a votive candle by the amazing saint statues. The ceremony was rich in symbolism and Father James just loves the children. He even passed out candy bars at the end, which was a nice treat for them since it was about a two hour ceremony.
Then since it was about 9:00 and we were hungry, I stopped and picked up Subways to celebrate the day! (Here in our small town the only fast food is Subway or DQ, which was already closed.)
It was truly a special Valentine's Day!
Not to mention, we had a Valentine's party with our homeschooling friends. The boys were very excited to make their valentines, which were 32 origami hearts (made by Sam), 32 origami dogs (made by Oscar with mom's help), and 32 origami fish (made by Zak) for a grand total of 96 pieces of origami things!

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