Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pray for our niece, Lily

Today, Lily is having surgery. We want to pray for her and the doctors, that God may guide them and give them the strength and wisdom that they need to care for her. Her story is on the side under prayer list. She is named after Great Grandma Lil and we know that she is looking down on her too! God bless you, Lily!

Pray for Peace

Last night we went to church where they had a Mass for world peace, scriptural rosary, and divine mercy chaplet. It was about 2 hours. The boys did great! Although Oscar fell asleep after the Mass, at the beginning of the rosary. They brought their rosaries and prayed right along. It was such a nice time at church. Nik actually wakes up in the morning and usually says "Go to church?" so how can I say no to that. They are getting a lot of practice going to church so they really do well. After Sam received his first Communion, we went to church three days that week (because of Nik asking too). They just get into a routine and know what to do, which helps tremendously. What a gift that we also get to receive Jesus so much. Our days are so much better when we have gone to church in the morning, so it really is a blessing. It helps our family in so many ways. God is so good!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sam's First Communion Day

Father James and Sam
Sam with his TWO cakes. Usually I like to make a Bible cake, but did not and felt guilty and also partly due to the fact that Steve saw the delicious strawberry cake and thought it would be good to have. So we like to think we had a bread and wine cake symbolizing the body and the blood.

The First Holy Communion Day***

Sam made his First Holy Communion today.......He was very excited and nervous, but mostly excited. He was able to bring up the gifts, which he really wanted to do. It was a beautiful day! We just ended his novena where everyday he had to do something to make flowers for Jesus in his heart. It was a beautiful novena.

Congratulations Sam! We were blessed to see you receive Jesus for the first time today. We love you very much!