Thursday, April 30, 2009

3 Months Old

I am having trouble with smilebox so I cannot post one for her three month date. Hopefully I will get it figured out and will be able to soon. (Also for Oz's birthday)

She sure is getting big and loves to smile especially at her brothers. Nik wakes up every morning and wants to know where Ava is. He went outside yesterday and picked her flowers. He is such a caring big brother! He also loves to dress her up because he thinks she is so beautiful. I have a great picture of him holding her while he is laying down. She is resting her head on his chest and his arms are around her. He did this all by himself because she was crying and whenever he hears her cry he tries to comfort her. Everyone still loves to hold her and make her smile. We miss the newborn laying still phase, but we cannot wait for more of her personality to come alive.

Yesterday, April 29, was the Feast Day of St. Ava, which was also Great Grandpa Ozzie's birthday. He would have been 101. He passed away at age 99. He always wanted us to have a girl and thought we would.