Here is something that I think is very important. Please go to this link.
I see things about Pro-Life and abortions and of course it really can get me going. I have read some really good posts out there about what we can do now. The most important thing is to get down on our knees. It is not about me, but these innocent babies and pray for them, pray for our new president, pray for our leaders. Like I tell the kids when they do something they do not want to do, they should say "All for you, Jesus" So here I go "All for you, Jesus!"
I am making it by everyday, but I sure get tired. This pregnancy has been hard the first three months, pretty good the second three monts, and this last trimester so far as been pretty tiring as well. I really do want to get back at updating because this was suppoed to be my way of keeping a journal of our family. I have written things down in my pregnancy book so I can go back and remember things!
****We also will say prayers for those who have fought in wars and are continuing to fight for this country on this Veterans' Day.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This is hard.....
Okay, having a blog is hardwork. I do not know how people keep up with it everyday. I cannot even get to it once a month! I started it to remember some of the things our family or the kids have done and mostly just for fun. So hopefully, later on today, I will be back to really update. I would do it now at 6:20 am, but I have my transcribing work to finish. I am sure Steve will be watching football today, so I will have some time then!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Wow! It has been a busy summer. I have a lot to update. We went to Lutsen, Family Camp, Sam's 8th birthday, Oscar's hospital stay, and much more....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The End of the Month of May
I love the month of May. First of all because I think of Mary this month. We love having a May crowning for her. When I think of how hard sometimes it is being a mother I look to her. She had said YES to God, even when things did not seem right for her. She raised Jesus and loved him. She played a role in his first miracle. She watched him suffer and die. She was given to us by Jesus and looks after us as Our Mother. So.........Steve and I have said Yes too.
FYI:I am due end of January and I do not intend to find out if this is a boy or girl....:)
We are expecting our fifth blessing and what a gift it is.The miracle of life is just an amazing thing, which even though at times it may seem hard to say Yes to, we are doing it again. The unknowns, the feeling ill, kidney stones problems with pregnancy, the van will now be full, BUT the joy of holding a new little life in our arms, the smiles, the kids's remarks when told (Sam said "I think my heart is going to explode"), one more soul for God, makes it all worth it.
FYI:I am due end of January and I do not intend to find out if this is a boy or girl....:)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Pray for our niece, Lily
Today, Lily is having surgery. We want to pray for her and the doctors, that God may guide them and give them the strength and wisdom that they need to care for her. Her story is on the side under prayer list. She is named after Great Grandma Lil and we know that she is looking down on her too! God bless you, Lily!
Pray for Peace
Last night we went to church where they had a Mass for world peace, scriptural rosary, and divine mercy chaplet. It was about 2 hours. The boys did great! Although Oscar fell asleep after the Mass, at the beginning of the rosary. They brought their rosaries and prayed right along. It was such a nice time at church. Nik actually wakes up in the morning and usually says "Go to church?" so how can I say no to that. They are getting a lot of practice going to church so they really do well. After Sam received his first Communion, we went to church three days that week (because of Nik asking too). They just get into a routine and know what to do, which helps tremendously. What a gift that we also get to receive Jesus so much. Our days are so much better when we have gone to church in the morning, so it really is a blessing. It helps our family in so many ways. God is so good!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sam's First Communion Day
The First Holy Communion Day***
Sam made his First Holy Communion today.......He was very excited and nervous, but mostly excited. He was able to bring up the gifts, which he really wanted to do. It was a beautiful day! We just ended his novena where everyday he had to do something to make flowers for Jesus in his heart. It was a beautiful novena.
Congratulations Sam! We were blessed to see you receive Jesus for the first time today. We love you very much!
Congratulations Sam! We were blessed to see you receive Jesus for the first time today. We love you very much!
Monday, April 28, 2008
St. John Bosco's Project Fair
I will post pictures soon(*** here are some), but just wanted to mention the Project Fair we were a part of on Sunday. It was a great Church event. There were 22 participants and it was a lot of fun. All the young contributors are very talented. We even raised a little money for the Senchi Ferry Library Project in Ghana Africa
The kids were very excited about that!
The kids were very excited about that!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
God is good!
No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it. 1Cor 10:13
I was just reading another blog and she had this written. She obviously has different trials than I do, her husband has been defending our country for the last year. She had a two month old baby when he left, not to mention five other children. I have prayed for her family since he left. He may return soon.
This passage really gave me a hope to get through my trials as well.
I was just reading another blog and she had this written. She obviously has different trials than I do, her husband has been defending our country for the last year. She had a two month old baby when he left, not to mention five other children. I have prayed for her family since he left. He may return soon.
This passage really gave me a hope to get through my trials as well.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
POPE BENEDICT XVI.....Getting ready to welcome him to America!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
March in Review
Since I do not get on here to post often, I am going to try to recap the month now.
Here is March......
The boys (3 of them) and dad got to go to a Gopher's Hockey game. They were so excited and had a great time. Thanks to Tom Peterson for the tickets! Nik got a shirt out like them and really wanted to go too. So we made cookies and ate a whole bunch of them.
We went to church everyday during Holy Week. The kids were so good getting up each morning, Mon through Wed to go to 8:30 am Mass. Then we went to Holy Thursday and Good Friday Masses, which are usually longer. We were actually sick on Holy Saturday, but made it to Mass On Sunday for Easter. Fr. James passed out colored Easter Eggs to the children. He also made this beautiful rosary with the eggs in baskets (10 for 10 Hail Marys and bows for the Our Fathers). It was very neat.
We went on a field trip to tap Maple trees. The kids got to tap trees and collect the sap. Then they watched the sap be turned into sugar and maple syrup. They tasted the yummy syrup.
The horse wagon ride was fun too.
Here is a naughty boy! Nik is throwing eggs over the ledge in our living room. Luckily they are plastic! I do not know where he came up with this idea!
He also tries to sneak out the door....nice shoes!
Finally a trip to the Zoo...that is always fun..
Happy Birthday Oscar! (yesterday -April Fool's Day)
Oscar is now FIVE! It is so hard to believe. Happy Birthday to Uncle Jeff as well. It really is no fun to have your birthday on Apri Fool's Day around here. First Oscar was tricked by his brothers and then by his mother with this cake (see above picture actually meatloaf with BBQ sauce). He really thought his cake shrunk, but was so nice about it and just smiled for the picture) Then I got out his cake, which was supposed to be a jet pack guy from Star Wars. I had no decorating frosting so I had to improvise and this is what I came up with....... it is the jet pack guy cake pan with a bunny for the face....he thought it was funny.
Well, anyway he had a great day and ended it with a dinner date with mom. We went to Emma Krumbee's just the two of us. I love my birthday lunch/dinner dates with my boys.
We also got to decorate Easter eggs for his birthday...who says you have to decorate eggs before still is the Easter season at least! We have 50 days!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
This little girl we have been praying for for the last year has gone to Heaven. She died last night, March 28, 2008. Please pray for her and her family. We are truly blessed for getting to know this family's faith through the internet. Their faith is amazing! We are deeply saddened for their lost.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Great Opportunities!
Here are some organizations that are doing great things. Please check out their websites for more information.
WE SHARE - our family is going to sponsor a family in India. From the money we saved on not buying as many groceries we are using it to sponsor a family in India. Here is the link:
Another is an organization that is trying to build a library in Ghana, Africa. A lady's daughter at our parish is heading up this mission - Senchi Ferry Library -
Signing Time! is another place where we buy are sign language material from. They too have just gone to Ghana, Africa to support the deaf children. Here is their story:
WE SHARE - our family is going to sponsor a family in India. From the money we saved on not buying as many groceries we are using it to sponsor a family in India. Here is the link:
Another is an organization that is trying to build a library in Ghana, Africa. A lady's daughter at our parish is heading up this mission - Senchi Ferry Library -
Signing Time! is another place where we buy are sign language material from. They too have just gone to Ghana, Africa to support the deaf children. Here is their story:
Friday, February 29, 2008
Our Lenten Journey
It is about half way through Lent and our grocery spending freeze is going well. I am amazed at how many things you can still make when you have hardly any groceries. Every Lent we have tried to not buy a lot of groceries and use what we have in the freezer and pantry. The kids have also done well, but we have had to be creative at time too. We have found out that some like oatmeal, some actually like peanutbutter, and we can even have fish sticks or buttered cinnamon noodles for breakfast! We are reminded of how much we do have and that we can just go to the store and pick up what we need. It is very hard to not give in to that temptation. Even when we do go to the store lately we only buy simple necessary items, like milk, fruit. I have even made more loaves of homemade bread and we love that! It is a good time for us to reflect on what is important and that would be God, giving to others, and that everything we have is from Him. We must share because God has also shared. We have our Rice Bowl that we add some of the money we have saved to. It has been educational too. The kids were studying about India and the next story on the Rice Bowl was about a fourteen year old boy from India who was an orphan. He is handicapped and has to work to support himself. Through Catholic Relief Services he is able to go to school so he can learn a trade to help his future. The kids were amazed that this young boy had to think about those things now. So as this may be a time for me to clean my pantry more importantly it is a time to clean our souls. We can be quiet and listen, be simple and humble, share with others.
Then the kids say,"we cannot wait for Easter to have a big Easter dinner!" I will have to work on that now.....the bigger message of that day! At least we have this time to reflect and prepare our minds and souls for the Glorious Ressurection!
Then the kids say,"we cannot wait for Easter to have a big Easter dinner!" I will have to work on that now.....the bigger message of that day! At least we have this time to reflect and prepare our minds and souls for the Glorious Ressurection!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sam's First Reconciliation
Then since it was about 9:00 and we were hungry, I stopped and picked up Subways to celebrate the day! (Here in our small town the only fast food is Subway or DQ, which was already closed.)
It was truly a special Valentine's Day!
Not to mention, we had a Valentine's party with our homeschooling friends. The boys were very excited to make their valentines, which were 32 origami hearts (made by Sam), 32 origami dogs (made by Oscar with mom's help), and 32 origami fish (made by Zak) for a grand total of 96 pieces of origami things!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Free Week for School
This is our free week! We rotate weeks for homeschooling as follows: 3 R's week, 3 R's week, fun learning week, and free week. During the 3 R's week, the kids do reading, writing, and math. We focus on those not-so-fun things like doing tests, workbook pages, and it can be a lot of work. Then during the fun learning week we get to do the "fun subjects" like geography, Spanish, Latin/Greek, Sign Language, music, art, cooking, science, and history. The free week is free for them, except we try to play a lot of educational board games. Here are a few of our favorites Parts of Speech, See It and Sign It, Made for Trade, Dino Math Tracks, Apples to Apples Junior, Rummy Roots, Postcards Across America, and any Professor Noggin card game. We try to go on field trips or the library during this week also. Well, we are off to learn!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sam and Karate
Well, now that Zak has something on here, Sam wanted to share this. He is not taking "official classes" yet, but he sure loves his new gi. We have gotten a lot of books at the library and we are trying to learn more about the martial arts. It has been interesting and fun. Sam knows quite a few moves too! (With mom teaching him of course because he thinks I can teach him anything! When actually I think he is teaching me) He may go check out a class with some friends soon, so we will see if he wants to pursue this more.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Part Two of Chapter One...Zak's Exploration Story
In the morning we had roasted capybara. It was the best meal I had in days. After breakfast we went hunting. Oscar had hunting dogs and a stray cat. Aaacccchhhhhoooooooooooo!!!! Better get away from the cat quickly.
We caught a capybara and…another stray cat that Oscar kept!
Aaaaaaaaccccccchhhhhhhhhoooooooooooo!!!! I guess that Oscar liked cats a lot.
A few hours later, so do you know were Sam is? said Oscar. Now in fact I do he’s going to be in the Andes I said. Are you going to visit him said Oscar. I guess but he’s pretty far away it might take a month or so. It’s starting to rain we better get in the tent. (It rained all night.)
The next morning we went hunting. So, said Oscar what do you want to hunt this morning? I’d prefer some cocoa beans and another roasted capybara please. As we were walking I spotted a jaguar heading toward us. Run for your life! We ran as fast as we could to the nearest tree, at the top we could see a plane. I ripped my shirt and waved it. The plane saw it and headed toward us. We were saved! Aboard the plane we told them about our adventure, bye!
We caught a capybara and…another stray cat that Oscar kept!
Aaaaaaaaccccccchhhhhhhhhoooooooooooo!!!! I guess that Oscar liked cats a lot.
A few hours later, so do you know were Sam is? said Oscar. Now in fact I do he’s going to be in the Andes I said. Are you going to visit him said Oscar. I guess but he’s pretty far away it might take a month or so. It’s starting to rain we better get in the tent. (It rained all night.)
The next morning we went hunting. So, said Oscar what do you want to hunt this morning? I’d prefer some cocoa beans and another roasted capybara please. As we were walking I spotted a jaguar heading toward us. Run for your life! We ran as fast as we could to the nearest tree, at the top we could see a plane. I ripped my shirt and waved it. The plane saw it and headed toward us. We were saved! Aboard the plane we told them about our adventure, bye!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
35th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade

Prayer for the Helpless Unborn
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life.
Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.
Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image - as well as theirs - made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life.
Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.
Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image - as well as theirs - made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
A Good Day!
I just wanted to document this because we are having a really good day, so on the days that are not so good I can look back and remember! It started off with morning prayers, laundry all caught up, dishes done (a sparkling sink), beds all made, the house picked up, getting showered and dressed before anyone else got up :) , getting my work caught up, the toy room is all in order and some of the school items (which I stayed up really late organizing it all - but boy it feels good), I was able to read a chapter of the book I am reading, The Lamb's Supper, and dinner is in the crockpot. The kids did everything they needed to do in the morning. Then because they could find new things, Oscar and Nik played with the tote of beans while I, Zak, and Sam started religion. The two little ones were able to play so nicely that we (Zak, Sam, mom) got to play Yahtzee and Scrabble, which was a lot of fun while educational. We also did math drill races. We had a great lunch, pizza and mac n cheese. We said our prayers for all of our intentions, especially Zak's Godmother's Godfather, Dick. Now Nik is watching is Signing Time! sign language video and the other boys are playing. It is very cold out, but so nice inside (clean, warm, and cozy) just the way it should be!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Zak's Exploration Story
I was packing one day the day was no ordinary day. I was packing to go to the Amazon.
Now I’m at the airport and I’m ready to go…almost. Number 99! That’s
My number got to go bye!
2 hours later I was there, in the Amazon rain forest. I was in a scratchy position even though I was wearing my gear. My first thing to do was to go down the Amazon River, at four 0’ clock!
I was on the Amazon River it was nice but scary and… an anaconda!
It stretched to get me but it missed me by 3 inches then it fell in the river and it swam away. As I was saying it was spooky but pleasant.
Half a hour later, so far I have lost my paddle but I see a log up ahead just a little farther ahead, got it! Aghhh! A crocodile! It bit the boat, water rushed in the boat. The crocodile swam up stream I on the other hand swam down stream then I saw a fish with a red belly. A piranha! I swam as fast as I could to shore I was stranded in the Amazon rain forest all alone. I must have dozed a long time because somebody was saying zaak…zaak…zak! It was my brother Oscar (he’s a hermit) Zak I’m so glad to see you it’s been so long sense I’ve seen you. How did you end up here bro? I told Oscar the whole story over the fire about the anaconda, crocodile, and the piranha then we went to sleep (Oscar snored all night).
STAYED TUNED FOR MORE...............
I was packing one day the day was no ordinary day. I was packing to go to the Amazon.
Now I’m at the airport and I’m ready to go…almost. Number 99! That’s
My number got to go bye!
2 hours later I was there, in the Amazon rain forest. I was in a scratchy position even though I was wearing my gear. My first thing to do was to go down the Amazon River, at four 0’ clock!
I was on the Amazon River it was nice but scary and… an anaconda!
It stretched to get me but it missed me by 3 inches then it fell in the river and it swam away. As I was saying it was spooky but pleasant.
Half a hour later, so far I have lost my paddle but I see a log up ahead just a little farther ahead, got it! Aghhh! A crocodile! It bit the boat, water rushed in the boat. The crocodile swam up stream I on the other hand swam down stream then I saw a fish with a red belly. A piranha! I swam as fast as I could to shore I was stranded in the Amazon rain forest all alone. I must have dozed a long time because somebody was saying zaak…zaak…zak! It was my brother Oscar (he’s a hermit) Zak I’m so glad to see you it’s been so long sense I’ve seen you. How did you end up here bro? I told Oscar the whole story over the fire about the anaconda, crocodile, and the piranha then we went to sleep (Oscar snored all night).
STAYED TUNED FOR MORE...............
Friday, January 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Steve!
Here is my very first post and on such an important day.
My husband's birthday!
Dear Steve,
You are a dear husband and father. I love you very much. I thank God for you and your soul. You have been an amazing friend and always there for me, even when I do not deserve it. I am so happy to be able to share my life with you and raise a family together. You have taught me a lot and hopefully I have taught you at least a fraction of that. I look forward to our future together and what each day brings.
Your wife,
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